育儿知识大全 英语词典内容页

gain victory是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gain victory


1.To predict the enemy's move and gain victory.胜可预测,不可强求,战胜对手,在于隙机。

2.Stick to the end, victory is at hand! . . . Persist till the end and you will gain victory! (it means school holiday is near! ) . . .坚持到最后,胜利就在眼前!(意思是指马上快放假了!)英语…

3.The Huis army who has gain victory realizes political manage in their region and reach a compromise with Qing-Government by negotiation.取得军事胜利的回民军,以抚局的方式实现了对其控制区的政治管理和与清政府的妥协。

4.Play mahjong to Hu cards ( winning ), only the winning hand, less gun or not little cannon, in order to gain victory.玩麻将是为了胡牌(胡牌),只有多胡牌,少点炮或不点炮,方能获得胜利。

5.Command your own squad of Clone Troopers to gain victory from the Trade Federation droids.指挥您的克隆军队在和贸易联合会的机器人军队的战斗中取得胜利。

6.I hope you will gain victory this time.我希望这次你能获胜。

7.At war, it can also aid the ground and naval forces to gain victory.战时,还可支援陆军和海军部队夺取胜利。
